I'm a 40 year old woman born and raised in the heart of middle Tennessee. I love animals (especially horses), music (most types), role - playing, drawing, reading, writing, riding and, many other activities that expand the mind. I live in middle Tennessee. I have three children (one boy 21, one girl 19, one boy 5 years, one grandson (2 year old) one granddaughter (newborn) and love them with all of my heart.
I love working with the public because I love working with people. I really enjoy helping them solve problems and finding solutions to troubling situations.
I love fantasy and fiction books most but, will occasionally pick up the odd true story every once in a while. My favorite authors are Anne Rice, David Eddings, Terry Brooks, Laurell K. Hamilton, and R.A. Salvatore to name a few. Wendy Pini is my all time favorite artist. Her work is just so beautiful it inspires the very soul and brings the characters in ElfQuest to life (Kudos to you Wendy. Thanks for the inspiration).
I also enjoy table top RPG's and have begun playing again. The memories of evenings sitting around the kitchen table with a group of friends playing D&D, Werewolf, Vampire, and other games are fond ones. I miss my gamers and our weekly RP sessions back home. Love you guys! I have found a new group to game with and we've been going strong now for several months, playing every other Saturday in what promises to be a long endeavor and I hope my group enjoys every minute of it.