Synchi's Home Page:
Come on in and sit a spell.
Hi, I'm Synchi. Welcome to my home page. I'm always trying to add things to it here and there so, don't leave for long. You never know what I'm going to add next.
Would you like to know more about me? Then click here and find out.
Two Moons Mush
A MUSH (Multi - User Shared Hallucination) based on Wendy and Richard Pini's epic tale.
Babylon 5
A page dedicated to several MUSHes based on JMS's awesome creation.
Other MU's
A guide to other theme interests of mine.
Synchi's Ceramics Page
This area holds a pictography of the various ceramics I have painted since the start of my newest hobby.
Poetry Page
Here is a place where I and many of my friends may post our poetry. If you have any poetry that you would like to see posted, feel free to email it to me in plain text format and I'll be happy to put it up for the world to see.
The Corral
Horses are my favorite animals. Their strength, beauty and grace are a testiment to the wonders of creation. To me, they are truly poetry in motion.
On July 27th, 2000, a misty thought started beoming a virtual reality when some friends and I began construction on Scions MUX. Please, feel free to stop in sometime and say hello, though we're not officially open for business, we'd be happy to peak your interest.
To reach Scions, Telenet or use a client to go to...
blargh.com : 8888
Be sure to check out my links page before you go. I'm sure you'll find something to prick your interest there as well.
Miscellaneous Things
This area if for things that would otherwise have no place here. It's an odd assortment of art, comments and other things I've wanted to put up but, didn't pertain to any of the other subjects listed here.
Visitor's Page
A page containint all of the comment and rating of my visitors, so far. Be sure and add your comments to my site by filling out the short form in my Guestbook.
See anything you like, don't like or want to comment on? Feel free to let me know. Drop me a line at queenofdenile@angelfire.com.

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Last updated - November 8, 2001
Thanks for stopping by. Do drop in and visit me again soon!
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